Saturday, October 14


We are now in the MIDDLE OF OCTOBER and in Chicago-land area, we have already gotten our first snow fall. Sure, there were no major accumulations (unlike in NY), I just hate winter. I miss the sunny days with long day light, the fresh green leaves with the humidity in the air.

To be honest, autumn is my favorite time of the year -- the cool breeze and cozy sweaters at night and may be a nice bon fire. But aside from that, it's kind of sad because now we're heading into the grey, cold days of dreary winter with its big heavy coats and muddy boots.

On a "look-at-the-silver-lining" note, at least we get to cover up a bit and have an excuse to sit indoors and drink hot chocolate... :D


jbwritergirl said...

I feel your pain...sort of.

I grew up just outside of Toronto and have been happily living in California for almost 30 years just to avoid that bitter cold. Although, today is a gray cloudy fall day here, it still beats freezing your butt off.

Stay warm and throw another marshmellow in the soup.


~ said...

Hey, I seen you changed your blog. I like it. Maybe I will work on mine one of these days. I will see you soon!

aco said...
